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Kant and Swedenborg


Imanuel Kant: Dreams of a Spirit-Seer

Kant on Swedenborg: Dreams of a Spirit-Seer and Other Writings, online, informal reviews.

Gottlieb Florschütz, Swedenborg’s Hidden Influence on Kant: Swedenborg and Occult Phenomena in the View of Kant and Schopenhauer


Gregory R. Johnson,
   Kant on Swedenborg in the Lectures on Metaphysics, and Part 2,
   The Invisible College (cc)
   From Swedenborg’s Spiritual World to Kant’s Kingdom of Ends

Steve Palmquist,
    How 'Chinese' was Kant?
    Kant's Critique of Mysticism: (1) The Critical Dreams (cc)
    Kant's Critique of Mysticism: (2) Critical Mysticism (cc)
    Kant’s Criticism of Swedenborg: Parapsychology and the Origin of the Copernican Hypothesis (cc)
    list of publications.

Colin McQuillan, Reading and Misreading Kant’s Dreams of a Spirit-Seer

William Ross Woofenden, Some Thought Affinities between Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) and Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)


Book Reviews

Gottlieb Florschütz, "Swedenborg’s Hidden Influence on Kant: Swedenborg and Occult Phenomena in the View of Kant and Schopenhauer", reviewed by G. Johnson  (pdf) (cc)

Google Scholar  Search

The Insanity Question    (from a special issue of The New Philosophy 1998;Vol. 101)

Editorial Remarks: The Madness Hypothesis (Kurt Simons, Ph.D.)
Henry Maudsley on Swedenborg's Messianic Psychosis  (John Johnson, M.D., reprinted from The British Journal of Psychiatry 1994; 165: 690)  (pdf)
Swedenborg's Alleged Insanity (Brian M. Talbot, B.A., Dip. Ed.)
"Henry Maudsley on Swedenborg's Messianic Psychosis": Some Comments (Kurt Simons, Ph.D.)
Swedenborg's Contemporary Insanity Accusers; Also Reflections on the Underlying Cause of Insanity Charges  (Rev. Erik Sandström, Sr.)
Emanuel Swedenborg (Elizabeth Foote-Smith, Ph.D. and Timothy J. Smith, Ph.D., reprinted from Epilepsia 1996;37: 211-218)
Diagnosing Emanuel Swedenborg (James L. Pendleton, M.D.)
Emanuel Swedenborg, Prophet or Paranoid? (Thomas W. Keiser, Ph.D.)
"Emanuel Swedenborg": Some Comments (Kurt Simons, Ph.D.)
Seizures of a Spirit-Seer?  (Rev. Dr. Reuben Bell, D.O., M. Div.)